Our Story

Hello World! My name is Mandy. My husband and his brother started Alisan Natural Goods Inc. in 2004. They gave the company the name "Alisan" (the famous mountain in Taiwan) to honor where their parents were originally from. The company has been dedicated to promoting healthy and harmonious lifestyles in the community. For nearly 20 years, we are providing healthy, local grown and made, natural products for the community in SoCal and around the world. We have been exporting high-value natural products to various countries and regions, i.e. Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

In 2020, as I finished my Ph.D. program in Buddhist Art, I joined the company and started a shop on Etsy to show the world my work of art and rare-find crystals that we collected over the past years.

In 2021, to make more products available for a wider range of customers around the world, we opened this online shop. Over here, it's been a great opportunity for us to connect to people with healthy and natural products for everyone's daily life and spiritual journey.

For export services of U.S. local organic and natural products, please email us for details.

Contact us: 

(retail) alisannatural@gmail.com

(wholesale & export services) alisanexport@gmail.com